Wednesday 25 February 2009

Me & mine

I've been sat here for some time now trying to decide what my first blog should be about. I guess there is no better subject to write about than my life so I shall start there.

My family consists of Me, Mum, Dad, older brother, older sister and our gorgeous Golden Retriever . That is my immediate family, then there is my sister-in-law and my beautiful niece.

We are a very close family. My sister and I are so close that we have even worked together for the last 8 1/2 years! She is my BEST friend and I love her to bits. She is 4 1/2 years older than me and whereas that used to seem like a big age gap it really doesn't anymore. We spend a lot of time together and have mostly joint friends. This wasn't always the case, I used to be the annoying little sister. It was the old scenario of when she was going out with friends Mum would say to her 'take your sister with you'. Thankfully she no longer needs prompting as she seems to like to spend time with me!

My brother is 8 years older than me and that has always seemed like a big age gap. Even now I still feel very much like his 'baby' sister. He likes to remind me that he used to change my nappies so maybe he thinks of himself as more of a Father figure to me? He was a good big brother to have growing up though as he used to play with me and buy me little presents when he went out (that makes me sound materialistic but I just find it sweet that he did things like that).

My parents are my rock. I know that sound mushy but they really are. They have always been there for me whenever I have needed them and have always supported me in whatever I've done - even if they had reservations themselves. They are very much of the opinion that you have to find things out for yourself, they can help and advise but at the end of the day it's your decision. They are great and very patient with me as well.

My dog is 11 years old, soon to be 12, and lots of fun. She may be an older dog now but is still full of beans! She is very good at cheering you up as well, she just disappears and returns with one of her toys!

Anyway that's my family!


  1. Thank you Laura, you're my best friend too!

  2. Thank you for those nice comments Laura.
    It is good to feel valued as a parent, it can be a tough job.....but hey, someone's got to do it.
