Thursday 26 February 2009

How very rude!

I'm a fairly laid back kinda person and it normally takes a lot to anger me. Today I got angry!!

After a fairly uneventful and really quite boring day at work I was quite relieved to be coming home. There I was driving down the road quite happily when suddenly I had to slam the brakes on. Some absolute idiot jumped out in front of me (in his car I might add) from a slip road at the very last minute. Luckily I was able to brake just in time but it was very close and a very dangerous thing to do. That was it, I was instantly wound up and could feel my face contorting into a menacing scowl. I would have hit the horn to show my outrage and anger but I couldn't remember where it was at the time (they really should be in the same place in all cars!) so Jo lent over and hit it for me!

THEN to add insult to injury HE used some kind of hand gesture at ME!!! How rude! So, HE jumped out in front of me, HE was in the wrong, HE could have caused an accident and then HE abused me!!!! How is that right??? I was so incensed that I then started having a go at him from my car to his whilst glaring at him in his rear view mirror! Obviously he couldn't hear me but it made me feel better, well a little anyway.

I'm going to start a campaign 'Get idiots off the road'! Who's with me?

Rant over!


  1. I'm with you sister! I'll join your campaign. Think of the good we would be doing for the environment if we forced all idiot drivers off the roads! There re so many of them carbon emissions would reduce dramatically!

  2. How about "Dont let idiots on the Road".
    Would save you a lot of rage.I am just glad this yo yo didnt actually hit you.

  3. Laura,

    I just read your comment on my blog and wanted to let you know that you are welcome to read and comment anytime!

    As for getting idiots off the road(let's pretend I'm a perfect driver and nobody would want me off the road), I am with you! I deal with idiots on a daily basis and I yell at them from the confines of my car all the time! You are not alone! ;)

  4. I think it might be time for another posting Laura....
