Monday 30 July 2012

WOW!!!! I won something!

It finally happened! This evening I won something. Only the other day I was telling my family how I had never won anything (except a packet of Cornflour at a school fete when I was about 7). This evening I entered a competition on Facebook to win a 'The Dead Famous' top and I won!!! I was so pleased and excited that I finally won something and that something is something I actually want (overuse of the word something noted)! Well, that is all really. I realised I hadn't blogged in nearly 2 years so decided this was something worth blogging about - well, for me it is!

I'll post a photo of the top when it arrives! I know all my many readers would LOVE to see it ;o)

Until then though, check out The Dead Famous - they rock!!

Tuesday 7 December 2010

My impeding 30th birthday!!!!

I can hide from it no more, it is now stomping towards me at a rapid pace. Yep, next week I shall turn 30!!!!! THIRTY!!!!! How? Where did the time go?? I know many people probably think this (and I know many who say it) but I honestly still think of myself as about 18. I'm also now having 'those' moments when I think 'what have I actually done with my life?'. I hate that and I hate the kind of people that come out with comments like that but I now find myself wondering the same :o( For some reason, I built up turning thirty in to a huge deal.

Anyway, I decided that it was futile to dread it and decided to embrace it. Three weeks ago I had my 30th birthday party which was planned and executed wonderfully by my sister Jo. I had a fabulous night and it made the actual event of turning 30 much easier to accept (although it hasn't actually happened yet). My brothers band played (with an impromptu performance from me!!), my family and friends were there and I had a huge chocolate cake :o) It was a fantastic party and i owe a huge thank you to Jo and my parents - thank you!!!

Here are some photo's from the night. Bring on 30!!! (Yeah, I'll let you know how I really feel about it after the actual day.)

Me rocking out with my brothers band

Jo and I roped up on stage to sing backing!

Me with my fetching flashing 30 tiara (courtesy of Jo)

The gorgeous cake

My brother and his band

Some of the guests

Wednesday 24 March 2010

My bugbears

I'm going to sound really silly now but I'm prepared for that and don't care! Last week I had a hissy fit at work - that really is the best way to describe it.

There I was, sitting at my desk minding my own business, when something caused me to turn around. Well, I was not impressed with what I found! There, on the top of my jacket, was a big thick stripe of brown dust. This is becoming a daily occurrence now. I work in a factory (well, I'm office based but there is a factory attached) and everyday people come in, covered in dust, and apparently have to lean on the back of my chair whilst talking to me and others in the office. It's been irritating me for some time now but last week it miffed me right off that I had a hissy fit right there in the office! Do the people responsible not notice that they are covered in dust and that this might actually transfer on to my BLACK corduroy jacket, or BLACK blazer whilst they're leaning all over it???!!! It just really winds me up. Is it not common sense? Anyway, I went about brushing all the dust off my jacket (not ever so successfully) but for the rest of the day and into the evening I was wound up. I also made sure everyone that was around at the time knew that I really don't appreciate this.

Ok, now I've got that off my chest here is bugbear no. 2. Again this is work related and really irritates me. My desk is a dumping ground for everyone else's crap. If a salesperson drops off some literature - goes on Laura's desk. If a sales rep. drops of some new products - goes on Laura's desk. Brochures - Laura's desk, promo stuff - Laura's desk, I think you get where I'm going with this one! Literally everything that comes into the office that isn't for a specific person just gets dumped on my desk. I have voiced my annoyance about this but again I went in to work today, having been off for the last two days, only to find a pile of booklets, brochures and two folders full of tile samples sitting on my desk. I can't even be bothered to mention it anymore, no-one pays any attention!

Well, I feel a little better for just getting that off my chest. Sorry for the moan, my next post will be more interesting and fun - maybe!

Thursday 7 January 2010


It's been a while since my last blog (5 months) but I really haven't had anything to blog about. I know, how boring am I????!!!! Anyway, I decided I would give blogging another try so decided my subject would be something I (& the rest of England) can't escape at the moment. SNOW!

England is currently facing it's coldest winter in 30 years & I for one am actually quite enjoying it. I love to watch the snow falling and having to wrap up because it's cold outside. We have experienced quite mild winters in England the last few years and I suppose in some ways I feel cheated. Odd I know but when you have mild, rather warm winters and dull, rather cold summers you basically get one season throughout the year. Obviously I don't enjoy the un-gritted roads, the ice and the havoc the snow causes, I'm simply enjoying something a bit different (I imagine I'm probably in the minority here). This could however change fairly soon as we are warned to expect this weather for a number of weeks. My next blog will probably be me
complaining about all the snow and cold weather.

Snow is not just covering our streets and countryside, it's also all over our TV screens. Our news channels are talking of very little else at the moment. Yesterday we were shown this rather cute picture of some Baboons in a Safari Park being fed hot baked potatoes to keep them warm in the snow.

Lastly, I thought I would post what I thought to be a rather fascinating picture. It's a satellite shot of England taken today.

Friday 22 May 2009

Little Boy

I am soo excited as yesterday I found out that my brother and his wife are expecting a boy in the Autumn! I was kind of hoping it would be a boy as it would be nice to have a nephew as well as a niece. I would have, of course, been happy either way as I just love being an auntie and spending time with my niece (although she completely tires me out!). I am pleased for her as well as she wanted a little brother.

So, now we just wait to meet baby and in the meantime have fun guessing what his parents might call him! I'm with my niece - Baby Chicken is a perfectly sensible, respectable name! :o)

Monday 4 May 2009

Finally! Green Day tour again!

I have been waiting 4 years for this and now it's finally happening. Green Day are touring again and my sister managed to get us tickets to see them at Wembley Arena in November! I saw them at Milton Keynes Bowl in June 2005 and absolutely loved it! It was a fantastic day and although I'm yet to hear their new album (due to the fact it's not released until 15th May) I am sure this gig will be just as great. (You may have picked up on the fact that I am a huge Green Day fan, it's fairly obvious by my excitement.)

I've got a while to wait but I am already really looking forward to it.

Friday 13 March 2009

Happy Birthday Mum!

Today is my Mum's Birthday and I just want to say 'Happy Birthday Mum'! I know it happens to have fallen on a Friday this year (the dreaded Friday 13th) but I'm sure that won't affect you having a good day!

Happy Birthday!
